Portrait Exposed Sydney
Learn How to Direct and take creative control of your subjects. The Portrait Exposed concentrates on helping you actualise your creative ideas and concepts when working with individuals and groups of people.
In this workshop you’ll explore the fundamentals of portraiture and learn techniques to inspire your creativity. You’ll explore the variables of natural light and how to achieve a variety of styles and looks thatsuit your subject.
A powerful portrait can challenge and enlighten. Whether you’re taking portraits of family and friends, forbusiness or for exhibition, it’s important to understand the tools and qualities that make portraiturecompelling and memorable.
Most importantly you learn to communicate your ideas, plan and executive your ideas and becomeconfident in working with people or individuals in your photo shoot.We look at decision-making processesand the technical aspects of composition and lighting.
Mastering portraiture will enable you to capture that something special about your subject! See our Portrait Exposed Workshop for more information.